We are a full-time Christian childcare center for Infants to 12 years old. We offer Preschool, After School Care and much more!
PLM Daycare is committed to caring for the whole child spiritually, physically, socially, mentally, and emotionally while creating an environment for love, attention, consistency, safety, and trust where each child can grow and develop. We are here to assist parents by helping their children succeed at every level. We aim to be an extension of their homes.
LOW RATIOS: Our low ratios ensure your child will receive quality, one-on-one attention, love, and care everyday.
Faith and Creative Curriculum.
We understand the power of inclusive approach and focusing on developing your child’s gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, socialize with other children, playing, singing, and early literacy skills at their developmental pace.
Healthy and balanced Meals
We participate in the USDA Child Care Food Program. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and all drinks are included in our weekly tuition. We know how important diet and healthy choices are. They have a direct impact on a child’s mind and ability to learn. We make sure your children are well fed throughout the day.